Egypt : AIVC's international units witness noticeable growth in sales

Al Arafa for Investments & Consultancies (Arafa Holding - AIVC), the leading textiles focused investment company in Egypt reports its consolidated results as at the 31st of July of FY2011.
• Despite a 13.2% decline in the first quarter of FY 2011 compared to the same period of last year; Q2 FY 2011 witnessed a 22.3% growth compared to Q2 FY 2010 revenues. Accordingly, Consolidated Revenues during the first six months of FY2011 reached USD 134.6 million with a growth of 2.7% compared to the same period of last year. This successfully reflects AIVC's strategy to restore top line within its normal levels which smoothed down the impact of the political and social events in Egypt on its consolidated profits.