The water based biodegradable adhesive by BASF is now even more powerful. Higher adhesion levels can be reached by combining the adhesive dispersion with a special curing agent.
Epotal ECO is a water based adhesive that first gained the certificate for compostable additives, granted by DIN Certco, in 2010. Test results show that within 70 days Epotal ECO is decomposed by 90 percent. After decomposition Epotal ECO leaves no toxic residues nor shows any negative effects on the environment. In addition, Epotal ECO retains all the advantages of water based adhesives: high green strength, absence of any toxic substances and thus enables an immediate subsequent processing.
Wide range of applications: From shoes to packaging
Together with Epotal ECO, all usual biodegradable materials can be adhesively bonded. It is particularly suitable for the production of completely compostable packaging based on plastics like PLA, NatureFlex ä or paper. First prototypes such as candy-, coffee- and instant soup-packaging demonstrate that suitability in practice.
Interest in compostable materials is growing in other fields of application, for instance shoe-, carpet-, clothing- and sporting goods-industries. Epotal ECO is realizing new product ideas in all of these industries.
BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. We combine economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection.